Back to Basics: Sedge Workshop

A few weeks ago I attended the 3rd bi-annual (biennial???) Pennsylvania Botany Symposium, an event organized by a number of my colleagues. The first day of the event consisted of several workshops for botanists to learn about particular plant groups. I chose to go to the sedge workshop, as I've lost a lot of my sedge knowledge as I've transitioned from a field biologist to having a greater focus on conservation planning (=more inside time!). My friend Dwayne Estes from Austin Peay State University was the instructor for the class and I've heard great things about his sedge class before.

I really can't say enough good things about the class. Dwayne is an excellent teacher and was really able to convey a lot of knowledge.  This is especially true as he normally teaches this material as a five day class in North Carolina. One thing that was emphasized is the drawing of botanical structures to learn the differences between the different sections of Carex--something that is a lost art among modern taxonomists and is something I definately need to practice.